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Governor, Business, Faith, Equality Leaders, and Families Hail Certain Passage of R74 & Freedom to Marry in WA

Gov. Christine Gregoire, the Greater Seattle Chamber of Commerce, faith leaders and Sen. Ed Murray and Reps. Jamie Pedersen and Laurie Jenkins, who spearheaded the legislative marriage battle, joined Washington United for Marriage (WUM) in heralding the certain victory on Referendum 74 and the freedom to marry in Washington State.

“This has been an incredible journey of families, gay and straight, and young and old, who understood that marriage matters and we needed to pull out all the stops to defend our law,” said WUM campaign chair Lacey All. “It’s been an amazing campaign and we are so grateful for the broad and deep support across the state.”

What follows is a collection of reactions from key leaders across the state:

Today my heart is full. I couldn’t be more proud that the voters of Washington state have told all of our families that they are equal under the law. Loving, committed couples will now have the right to stand up in front of their friends and families and say I do. Children of those families will no longer have to question why their parent’s love is treated differently. And young people out there wondering about their future have been sent a strong message that it does get better and that they will have the chance to grow up in a Washington that loves them for who they are, not for who they love.”

— Governor Christine Gregoire

“Yesterday’s vote affirms the values we all hold dear as a region.  We are inclusive.  By being inclusive we attract the best talent to propel our economies and communities forward.”

— Maud Daudon, President and CEO Seattle Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce

This is a victory for all citizens of Washington state and also a victory for religious freedom.  Allowing diverse faith communities to bring God’s blessing to ALL unions in a manner that is recognized and equal to all couples in our great state.

— Rabbi Jonathan Singer, Senior Rabbi Temple Beth Am

Union members have always stood together for freedom and justice. It’s who we are and marriage equality isn’t any different. We are proud to have stood up for fairness and played a central role in this diverse coalition of labor, faith, business, communities of color and so many other supporters.

— Diane Sosne, RN, MN, President of SEIU Washington State Council and Dave Schmitz, President of UFCW 21

Approval of Referendum 74 is a victory for all children and families in our state. All parents want a safe and supportive environment for their children to grow up in. Washington voters have affirmed the value of every family and every child.

— Paola Maranan, Children’s Alliance Executive Director

Marriage is about love, commitment, families, and community which are core Washington values. This will mean that our family will experience the same amazing joy in Sara’s wedding as we already experienced with her sisters, and future generations of our children will grow-up in a fair and equal state.

— Robin and Steve Boehler of Mercer Island who appeared in WUM TV ads on behalf of their family.


This is a great moment — a historic moment. It is the culmination of 17 years of effort and struggle in the legislature and during this campaign.

The people of Washington State have come together to end an injustice and to finally fully recognize that loving, committed couples should be treated fairly.

For me personally, and for my partner of 21 years, Michael, this is a deeply emotional moment. Like thousands of couples across this state we now have the freedom to marry.

— Senator Ed Murray

Not only does marriage equality strengthen all families, it sends a clear message to many who have felt the sting of discrimination that, ‘You are equal and worthy.’  It is a deep honor to support this important next step in our journey as Americans.

— GOP Senator Cheryl Pflug


After nearly 24 years together, only the birth of our son made us more joyous than today.  Laura and I have already been through thick and thin together from the joys of parenting, to recovering from cancer, and the challenges of helping parents as they age.  Soon we’ll continue on our journey together as a married couple.  And, we thank the voters of Washington.

— Rep. Laurie Jinkins, Tacoma

Washington voters have once again demonstrated their commitment to justice and equality for all families.  Eric and I are extremely grateful that our four sons will grow up knowing that their family has the support and protection that comes with a state-recognized marriage.

— Rep. Jamie Pedersen

We organized the largest faith coalition, empowering people to speak from their unique
faith traditions that, ultimately, it all begins and ends with love.  This is a day to celebrate, not only in Washington, but in Maine, Maryland and Minnesota.  People of faith made a difference across the land.

— Rev. Mike Denton, Conference Minister of the Pacific Northwest Conference of the United Church of Christ

