Raising Millions for Marriage

Join our fundraising team, and Defend the Freedom to Marry!

Together, we passed a landmark marriage equality bill on February 13, 2012.

Our opponents are determined to roll back our progress. But together we can win and defend the freedom to marry if we build a people-powered movement to go head-to-head with our opponents. That’s why we need you!

We hope you will consider joining our volunteer fund raising team, Millions for Marriage. We know our opponents will raise and spend millions of dollars to overturn the state’s new law that simply allows everyone to marry the person they love.

We cannot allow them to succeed. To be successful our campaign needs to raise $8-million to be competitive and communicate with voters across the state. And that’s where you come in.

Join us and commit to raising $1,000 through your friends and families. We are looking for people to raise $1000 but many of you will set your goal higher. Less is fine, more is fantastic, and any amount will be deeply appreciated! We know you can do it. It’s just twenty friends at $50 to reach $1000.

To thank our team, the top 50 fund raisers and another 50 randomly selected will win two free tickets to the Oct. 18th performance of the Tony award-winning play, Wicked at the Paramount Theater. This performance will be dedicated to Washington United for Marriage and promises to be an inspiring evening you won’t want to miss.

Again, many thanks for considering joining our team. The work — to approve Referendum 74 and allow loving gay and lesbian couples to marry — couldn’t be more important and we couldn’t do any of it without you.